When you think of your brand, what is the first thing you think of? Many business owners think of their logo and maybe their brand colors or fonts. Those are all brand assets, but your brand is much more than that – it is the complete experience that your customer gets when they interact with you. On average, it takes 12 touch points before a prospect becomes a client. This means that it is extremely important that you are telling your brand story in a way that attracts the right audience and keeps them engaged. Here are 4 key elements that you need to create a compelling brand story.
#1. Your Brand Story Should Be Relatable or Familiar
Ever wonder why memes became so popular? Memes often play on our sense of nostalgia or familiarity. They are instantly recognizable, so they catch people’s attention where there is high competition for space. According to HubSpot, 63% of marketers agree that the most engaging video content is related to cultural moments or news stories. That doesn’t mean that you should only rely on memes and trends, but instead think about your specific audience and what is relevant to them. Your audience will naturally gravitate towards your brand when you share content that they can relate to.

#2. Keep Your Brand Story Unique
It’s important to have a clear, recognizable message, but you still need to make sure you stand above the competition. Your brand should also have a unique voice, a distinct look and a unique value proposition. This helps your audience differentiate your brand from your competitors.
How do you make sure that your content stays both unique an familiar? Consistency over time is the most important factor in building a brand that your audience can quick identify and understand. Make sure that you identify who you want to target early on in order to craft your brand story in a way that is relatable to your target audience.
#3 Make Sure Your Message Sticks to the Point
On average, you have about 5-7 seconds to grab someone’s attention. In high traffic areas such as social media, the attention span can be even shorter. This means that your audience needs to understand your message within a few seconds before they lose interest. Use the first few phrases of your content to show value, for example, by addressing a problem your audience is facing. A good formula for creating a brand story that addresses a problem is what we call the “Villain/Hero” story. The “villain” is the problem the audience faces (for example, too much stress or too little time), which is introduced in the first few seconds, and the “hero” is your solution. You can see an example of this in the promo video we created for a mobile detailing service, Sears Auto Spa.
#4 Leave Some Room for Mystery
Ever watch a show or read a book chapter that ends in a really good cliff hanger? Compelling stories don’t give away everything at once. Many business owners make the mistake of trying to over-explain their product or service. Instead, consider your customer’s journey. When you leave room for mystery, you are guiding your audience to the next step, encouraging them to engage with your brand further. It takes multiple touch points before someone begins to know, trust and like your brand, so by giving them the information in small incremental steps, you increase the likeliness that they will convert.
What are some brand storytelling strategies that you have found effective? Let us know in the comments!
-Sara E. Jones, CEO & Co-founder, RadBot Video
ps. Do you want to build your own video marketing plan but need a little more guidance? We are offering a free guide here.